Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities across Time and Space. Latitudes, Longitudes, Altitudes and Seasons (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD)

Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities across Space and Time. Latitudes, Longitudes, Altitudes and Seasons (by Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD)

The following images are the result of a methodology developed through the line of research that I am carrying out since 2013 as “Filling In Finding Out Gaps of Knowledge” at

And Registered at ResearchGate:


It represents in three dimensions realtime variables of Total Water Content, Air Density at 500 and 850 hPa levels obtained by satellite measurements and Satellite image in the Infrared Channel. (Atmospheric Data from Current Time GFS and Sat Image from NRL)

The aim of this representation is to add more data in the effort to assess the accuracy of the results presented throughout the analyses carried out and published in this project.

A full index can be found at the homepage of this blog and copies of the analyses published also have been registered with DOIs here in my profile at ResearchGate, and discussions are also offered at my profile in LinkedIn.


Based on the research carried out, the interpretation of the current atmospheric dynamics seem to support the conclusions offered since 2013: the added amount of Energy combining sources outside the Planet and sources inside the planet by manmade causes, is overwhelming the capacity of the biological system to fix such load of energy in innert form (also caused by manmade activities).

Instead of having such increase in Energy in free state being dissipated into space, an increase in non condensible GHGs has absorbed enough Energy to increase the atmospheric capacity to hold water vapour in suspension. The condensible nature of water vapour allows it to capture, transport and transfer Energy from being in free state in one location, travelling fixed in molecular structures and being released in a different location as what we call “#weather”.

Simultaneously, an increase in the Energy load of the atmosphere captured by GHGs and Water Vapour, triggers intrusions of midlatitudinal warm humid air into the poles, displacing cold dry masses of air from the poles into Mid Latitudes.

An increase in Energy load supplies the fuel behind the work force augmenting mixing patterns between low dense warm air with high dense cold polar air. Such increase in mixing dynamics between two fluids of different densities generates what are called Rayleigh -Taylor instabilities, with the characteristic shape of a mushroom, easily identified by the bands of clouds created when cold air gets in contact with warm humid air.

Ultimately, my research points out that differently from mainstream discussion in #climatechange dynamics, instead of having a global and homogeneous process of warming or cooling (ice age), we are living a process of global mixing, defined by sudden and extreme changes in weather conditions, from very cold to very warm, from very dry to downpours, lightning, strong winds,…

Such unstable extremes have been expected to grow in frequency and strength across seasons affecting the overall #Climate.

2013-2019 Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities in Atmospheric Circulation, Atmospheric Dynamics and Climatic Implications. Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD Registered DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26791.80805

In my research on Climate (since 2013) I have pointed out the development of a new pattern in atmospheric dynamics behind the weather events observed.

In order to contrast the validity of my work against current situation I share my analysis from the same 4th September as today which I published in 2020.

4th September 2020 Seasonal Alterations and Climate Change. Autumn 2020 D. Fdez-Sevilla PhD DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20683.41769

Sept 2020 Seasonal Alterations and Climate Change. Autumn 2020 D. Fdez-Sevilla PhD

Seasons are described in two ways, by the change in the angle of incidence from the Sun and by the weather conditions associated with this part of the calendar. Since the angle of incidence is similar throughout latitudes, it is expected to have similar weather developments for the same latitudes, and even more similar if in close proximity.

My research on #climate suggest that weather events normally associated with seasonal angle of Sun incidence across latitudes is starting to be less dependent on Solar incidence originating contrasts within the same latitude and proximity due to an increase in atmospheric energy load fuelling convection as a dominant force.

Such change in the thermodynamic balance originates accentuated contrast in weather conditions, not only between locations, but also, for the same Solar angle of incidence, throughout short periods of time.

Accordingly we find two parts of the same territory and latitude suffering weather conditions associated with different seasons. While one side is in summer the other is in autumn, within the same week.

A big concern comes from considering that it can trigger similar changes between longitudes, bringing anomalously warm weather to high latitudes (Arctic) whilst anomalous cold weather into low latitudes.

This pattern has been observed before and it is only getting stronger with the years.

All patterns show a display of energetic motions from Eq latitudes across latitudes and altitude following poleward directionality as seen by the tracks of cyclones moving even towards colder SST or over land, along with heat waves enabling precipitation to reach the poles and displacing cold masses of air into lower latitudes as the one reaching Spain at the end of August 2020.

A process of global mixing accelerating weather developments across seasons by a month or more, evolving with the years. All those dynamics and implications are presented in my research.

This is clearly seen when comparing current dynamics with previous analyses.”

Temp Anomalies in Altitude

Since 2013 “Filling In Finding Out Gaps of Knowledge” by Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD

Explore all previous analyses carried out since 2013 at the homepage

2013-2022 Research Wrap-up

Masses of warm air are moving further from the equator, in the direction of the poles, without cooling down. That masses of air carrying such high temperatures, trigger increases in temperature wherever they move, bringing what we call heat waves. The question of why can be answered in a very simple way: warm masses of air are moving from the equator because warm air expands, but moreover, at the poles there should be a dense cold mass of air that should hold in position against the warm air pushing in. And that is what it has changed. The constant and increasing pressure of warm air pushing against the cold dome of polar air has raised enough to break apart in pieces this dome of cold air.

In Solar Winter, the polar conditions should build a compacted dome of dense cold air. However, in recent years, warm advection promotes warm anomalies inside the poles, destabilising the formation of such compact dome, displacing cold masses of air triggering a wobbly jet stream, warm Arctic, heat waves going poleward, cold snaps moving towards the tropics, downpours, hail, lightning and even the behaviour of hurricanes.

In all, there is a name in physics that describes the motion in the atmosphere behind those anomalous discharges of energy, that is Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities created by the increasing mixture of meridional warm humid air with polar cold dry air.

Is this new? Yes, in two ways: Though the planet might have seen it before, the cause for this mechanism to become active in our timeline is linked with several triggers manmade raising the energy load of the meridional atmospheric circulation invading the poles. Also, my research brings a new way of looking and describing the atmospheric dynamics behind current, past and future weather and climate states.

Since 2002 I have performed research on atmospheric variables linked with biological cycles and since 2013 in the line of research presented at diegofdezsevilla.wordpress .com

2014 New theory proposal to assess possible changes in Atmospheric Circulation Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4859.3440 


2015 Reply to Prof Jennifer Francis) Revisiting the theory of “Facing a decrease in the differential gradients of energy in atmospheric circulation” DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1975.7602/1 


2016 Seasonality Spring 2016 D Fdez-Sevilla DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2833.8968
2016 Orbital Seasonality vs Kinetic Seasonality D Fdez-Sevilla, PhD DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20129.81760 


2013-2019 Rayleigh–Taylor instabilities in Atmospheric Circulation and Climatic Implications D Fdez-Sevilla PhD


2020 The Weather of a Climatic System Collapsing D Fdez-Sevilla PhD DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22738.99529 


Methodology Registered 2017 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11234.79045 A New Point of View On #Climate D Fdez-Sevilla PhD 

About Diego Fdez-Sevilla, PhD.

Data policy The products processed by "Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD" are made available to the public for educational and/or scientific purposes, without any fee on the condition that you credit "Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD" as the source. Copyright notice: © Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD (year) orcid: orcid.org/0000-0001-8685-0206 and the link to its source at diegofdezsevilla.wordpress or permanent DOI found at Resarchgate. Profile and verified scientific activity also at: https://publons.com/researcher/3387860/diego-fernandez-sevilla/ Should you write any scientific publication on the results of research activities that use Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD products as input, you shall acknowledge Diego Fdez-Sevilla's PhD Project in the text of the publication and provide an electronic copy of the publication to the author (d.fdezsevilla@gmail.com). If you wish to use the Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD products in advertising or in any commercial promotion, you shall acknowledge Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD Project and you must submit the layout to Diego Fdez-Sevilla PhD for approval beforehand (d.fdezsevilla@gmail.com). The work here presented has no economic or institutional support. Please consider to make a donation to support the means for making sustainable the energy, time and resources required. Also any sponsorship or mentoring interested would be welcome. Intellectual Property All articles and imagery are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. By Diego Fdez-Sevilla, PhD. More guidance on citing this web as a source can be found at NASA webpage: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/bibliography/citations#! For those publications missing DOIs at the ResearchGate profile vinculated with this project, DOIs can be generated on demand by request at email: d.fdezsevilla(at)gmail.com. **Author´s profile: Born in 1974. Bachelor in General Biology, Masters degree "Licenciado" in Environmental Sciences (2001, Spain). PhD in Atmospheric Biology and Aerosols Dispersion (2007, UK). Lived, acquired training and worked in Spain, UK, Germany and Poland. I have shared the outcome from my work previous to 2013 as scientific speaker in events held in those countries as well as in Switzerland and Finland. After years performing research and working in institutions linked with environmental research and management, in 2013 I found myself in a period of transition searching for a new position or funding to support my own line of research. In the current competitive scenario, in order to demonstrate my capacities instead of just moving my cv waiting for my next opportunity to arrive, I decided to invest my energy and time in opening my own line of research sharing it in this blog. In March 2017 the budget reserved for this project has ended and its weekly basis time frame discontinued until new forms of economic and/or institutional support are incorporated into the project. The value of the data and the original nature of the research presented in this platform and at LinkedIn has proved to be worthy of consideration by the scientific community as well as for publication in scientific journals. However, without a position as member of an institution, it becomes very challenging to be published. I hope that this handicap do not overshadow the value of my achievements and that the Intellectual Property Rights generated with the license of attribution attached are respected and considered by the scientists involved in similar lines of research. **Any comment and feedback aimed to be constructive is welcome as well as any approach exploring professional opportunities.** In this blog I publish pieces of research focused on addressing relevant environmental questions. Furthermore, I try to break the barrier that academic publications very often offer isolating scientific findings from the general public. In that way I address those topics which I am familiar with, thanks to my training in environmental research, making them available throughout my posts. (see "Framework and Timeline" for a complete index). At this moment, I am living in Spain with no affiliation attachments. Free to relocate geographically worldwide. If you feel that I could be a contribution to your institution, team and projects, don´t hesitate in contact me at d.fdezsevilla (at) gmail.com or consult my profile at LinkedIn, ResearchGate and Academia.edu. Also, I'd appreciate information about any opportunity that you might know and believe it could match with my aptitudes. The conclusions and ideas expressed in each post as part of my own creativity are part of my Intellectual Portfolio and are protected by Intellectual Property Laws. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial conditions. In citing my work from this website, be sure to include the date of access and DOIs found at the Framework and Timeline page and ResearchGate. (c)Diego Fdez-Sevilla, PhD, 2020. Filling in or/and Finding Out the gaps around. Publication accessed 20YY-MM-DD at https://diegofdezsevilla.wordpress.com/ ***
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